Hospital transfer to advance health care in Maryland

The transfer of a 175-acre site will help shape health care delivery in Maryland, Gov. Larry Hogan said.
The Republican governor, winding down his final term in office, announced the Spring Grove Hospital Center site has been transferred to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The transfer coincides with the state’s long-term plan to bring health-care delivery up to date through improvements.
“UMBC is a model for undergraduate education, inclusive talent development, and innovation,” Hogan said in the release. “I am excited that its footprint will now be able to grow even further into the future. Together, we are ensuring that UMBC will continue to play a meaningful role in advancing education, community development, and economic and work force development in Baltimore County and the state of Maryland.”
Joining the governor in making the announcement were UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski and Jay A. Perman, who serves as chancellor of the state’s university system. House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones, D-Baltimore County, Treasurer Dereck E. Davis, and Johnny Olszewsky, who serves as Baltimore County executive, also attended.
The state’s Board of Public Works, according to the release, approved the transfer last week at is regular meeting. During the meeting, an agreement was also reached between the university and the state’s Department of Health that provides for the hospital to continue operating over the next two decades. The overall plan, which was submitted to the General Assembly in 2021, is to develop long-range facilities.
“UMBC has talked with public officials and community leaders for decades about our need for future expansion space at Spring Grove,” Hrabowksi said in the release. “UMBC students, faculty, staff, and future students will be grateful to Governor Hogan and other state leaders for years to come. This is a visionary collaboration for the future of Maryland.”
The university will collaborate with the state, the county, and community leadership, in addition to other partners, through the planning process for the master plan. The plan supports a future vision of the property that includes a long-term development of the site in addition to economy development and quality of life improvements in the region.
This article was originally posted on Hospital transfer to advance health care in Maryland