West Virginia receives $1 million for projects to stop violence against women

In the effort to curtail domestic violence and sexual assault, West Virginia was awarded more than $1 million in federal funding through the STOP Violence Against Women grant program.
Nearly $1.086 million in funding will fund 26 projects throughout the state. Funds will be used to provide personnel, equipment, training, technical assistance and information systems for victim service providers, law enforcement and prosecutors to improve the state’s response to these crimes.
“The people who commit these terrible acts against women need to be held accountable. We must always do what it takes to make sure they’re brought to justice,” Justice said in a statement. “I have great pride in this important grant program because I truly believe it is making a difference that matters.”
About two-thirds of the money will go to 22 regional projects throughout the state and the remaining one-third will go to four statewide projects.
The money is provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. It is administered by the Division of Administrative Services, Justice, and Community Services.
This article was originally posted on West Virginia receives $1 million for projects to stop violence against women